An Asset Information Update Form must be submitted for all of the following:

  1. New equipment is received (in order to provide Equipment Management with information that was not available when the Gateway Requisition was submitted)
  2. Existing equipment is relocated
  3. Physical Inventories (to notify Equipment Management of updated information).

Data fields that may be updated (not all are required) include:

  1. Asset Description
  2. Manufacturer Name
  3. Model Number/Name
  4. Serial Number
  5. Building Number
  6. Room Number
  7. User
  8. Condition

This form has been migrated to our Service Now Catalog. Complete the Asset Information Update Form.

Alternatively you can go to, click on "Equipment Management" and then on "Asset Information Update". You will then be directed to the fillable online form through Service Now. For detailed instructions on how to login and complete the form, view this guide on Submitting your Asset Information Update form via Service Now.

Helpful Hint:

If departments update this information as equipment is received or relocated, there is MUCH LESS work to be done at the time of Inventory Updates: no searching for serial numbers on the back of computers or other pieces of equipment; accurate location and user for each piece of equipment already printed on the Inventory, expediting physical verification of its location and status; less writing by the department on the Inventory.


The Equipment Inventory Modification Request (EIMR) form has been migrated to the online ServiceNow portal. Complete the EIMR form.

The Equipment Inventory Modification Request (EIMR) form is used to process most types of modifications to the equipment inventory file including the disposal of excess and surplus property, outgoing transfers, and outgoing loans.

***Please note a few changes from the PDF version of the EIMR.

  1. Disposals of excess and surplus property: Instead of using the former pdf Excess and Surplus Property Disposal (ESPD) form to dispose of property via pick-up by Central Stores, use the new online EIMR form -- under the Details section of the form, select "Transfer" for the Transaction Type and "Surplus Sales" as the Modification.
  2. Department Fabrications: Instead of using the former pdf EIMR to report the completion of a Fabrication, use the New Fabrication Request form to report the rare case once a fabrication has been completed if not yet assigned an Asset number.
  3. Incoming Transfers/Loans/Gifts/Borrowing equipment that does not have a UCSB Asset number: For all modifications involving incoming equipment that does not have a UCSB Asset number, use the Incoming Transfers or Loans form. The EIMR form can only be used for modification to assets that have a UCSB Asset number. 

Instructions for using the EIMR in ServiceNow:

  1. Fill in the Contact Information and Department Information at the top of the form:
    1. Requested by (auto-populates). Must be from the same custodial department as the assets being modified/disposed of.
    2. Are you requesting for someone else?
    3. Is this for a different Department than the Requested For's primary department?
  2. Complete the Details Section. Select the appropriate dropdown for the type of Transaction and Modification being requested. There are five transaction types, each with different modifications that can be selected.
    1. Transaction and Modification Options:
      1. Disposal
        1. Cannibalized for Parts
        2. Destroyed due to Accident (flood, fire, earthquake, malfunction, overboard at sea)
        3. Direct Sale (Surplus Sales)
        4. Lost/Unable to Locate
        5. Scrapped
        6. Theft
        7. Trade-in (not reported on requisition)
      2. Transfer (for permanent outgoing transfers only)
        1. Intercampus
        2. Interdepartmental
        3. Surplus Sales
      3. P.I. Transfer to Other Institution (permanently)
        1. No-Cost Transfer
        2. Sale
      4. Loan (outgoing only)
        1. Intercampus (exceeding 1 year) - to a department at another UC campus
        2. Intercampus Loan Termination - to report the termination of a loan to another UC campus
        3. Interdepartmental (exceeding 1 year) - to another UCSB department
        4. Interdepartmental Loan Termination - to report the termination of a loan to another UCSB department
        5. To non-UC Entity (must be pre-approved) - to a non-UC agency or organization, or to a UCSB employee for off-campus use longer than 6 months, whether at home or abroad for research.
        6. To non-UC Loan Termination - to report the termination of a loan to non-UC agency or organization, or UCSB employee off campus.
      5. Borrow (to report the termination of borrowed equipment only)
        1. ​Borrowed Status Termination
    2. ​​Select your department's Custody Code from the Equipment Identification dropdown.
      1. ​Only Custody Codes for the Requester's Department will be available for selection.
      2. After selecting your Custody Code, select the Asset(s) under your Custody that you are modifying via this form. Note that only assets under the selected Custody Code will be available to select.
        1. The Description, Value, and Title fields will auto-populate from the PeopleSoft Asset database. If any changes need to be made to these fields, submit a separate Asset Information Update form.
    3. Enter a brief description of the request and any special circumstances, explanatory comments, etc. into the Additional Information section. Add additional substantiating backup documentation or Attachments using the paper clip icon.
    4. Click Submit.

Once submitted, the EIMR will begin going through the approvals workflow:

  1. Review: The submitted EIMR will first route to the Equipment Management team for an initial review, to ensure all required documentation/information has been included, and that the requested modification can be processed per policy. The EIMR may be rejected if not all fields are complete, and a comment may be sent to the department to attach additional information. If the EIMR passes Equipment Management's initial review, they will change the ticket to Requested, initiating the second workflow step, Department Approvals. 
  2. Approvals: The Department Equipment Custodians or Surplus Administrator (in the case of a transfer/disposal to Surplus) as designated in the GMC Roles, will receive an email to Approve or Reject the EIMR.
  3. Internal Processing: After the EIMR has been approved by the respective Department Custodians, it will route back to Equipment Management to process the transaction in the PeopleSoft Asset Database. After Equipment Management has processed the transaction, the Equipment Manager or delegate will Approve.
  4. Complete: Once Equipment Management has processed and given final approval, the EIMR ticket will be automatically closed and marked as Complete.

The ESPD process has been moved to ServiceNow under the EIMR Form. Please see the Equipment Inventory Modification Request (EIMR) dropdown above for instructions.

For all modifications involving incoming equipment that does not have a UCSB Asset number (Incoming Transfers/Loans/Gifts/Borrowed Equipment), use the new Incoming Transfers or Loans form. The EIMR form can only be used for modification to assets that have an existing assigned UCSB Asset number.

This sample Theft-Sensitive Equipment Tracking Log is provided as a resource to departments that wish to track these items and which do not already have an internal log or database.

The log name and all column headers are generic suggestions and can be modified; columns may be added or deleted from the log as appropriate for each department’s business operations.

excel icon Theft-Sensitive Equipment Tracking Log

This sample Theft-Sensitive Non-Equipment Tracking Log is provided as a resource to departments that wish to track these items and which do not already have an internal log or database. It should be used to log the initial inventory and usage over time of non-equipment items that are theft-sensitive (e.g., consumable alcohol, cash equivalents such as event tickets, parking permits, etc.).

pdf icon Theft-Sensitive Non-Equipment Tracking Log

Equipment Management Help Desk

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please use our ServiceNow for Payment Services portal.